Tuesday, July 19, 2011


i have to let it go. once and for all let go of the pain. i feel like if i let go of my pain, everything will be gone forever. that is not true. it has been a burden for far too long. i cant move forward being attached to it anymore. it's not letting go of my love, it's just the pain and it's at that point where all it's doing is keeping me down. lord give me the strength to let go of the pain once and for all.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


pirate love? really? after everything that i lived and breathed? it's insulting.

because everything is different on the otherside. they are all authentic and you never see them outside of that show, and so they stay like that in your mind. and even all of the old pictures show them, engraved forever on the king's road as thick as thieves. but that is never the full story, and so the thing you put all of your belief in to never really existed. in the end johnny rotten wears designer clothes and has done an advert for butter. steve ignorant reformed crass. and sid vicous died.

and you just decided to pay attention?